selected academic publications​
2014 Epistemic stance in orchestral interaction (Social Semiotics 24 (4) 401-419
2009 Features of conductor gesture: Towards a framework for analysis (Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Music Communication Science)
selected conference papers
2017 "Conducting - interaction or art?"
in Tick Tock Performance – To Conduct Is To Move at the RMA Music & Philosophy Conference, King's College London
2016 "Meaning and the organisation of conductor beating gestures" OCI Oxford Conducting Studies Conference, University of Oxford
2015 "Topic shifts and epistemic validity in orchestral gesture" Performing Knowledge Conference, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge
2014 "Object-directed gesture as epistemic stance" CMPCP Performance Studies Network 3rd Internation Conference, University of Cambridge
2011 "Epistemic stance in orchestral interaction" IpRA, University of Manchester
2010 "Gesture & hierarchy" International Gesture Studies Conference, European University Viadrina (Oder) (Awarded Best Paper prize & Plenary)